November 16, 2008

One weeks, two adults, three cats

On my way home from the grocery store I remembered this post and wondered what our food for the week would look like piled on the kitchen table. So here they are. Actually, I was feeling kind of proud of myself for only spending $75 on a week's worth of grub for me, Max and our 3 kitties. But I know some of you out there are doing even better on the frugality front! I try to balance getting the quality, organic food I want with cost cutting efforts wherever possible. I'd love to hear about all of your grocery shopping techniques and what a week's worth of food looks like in your house! If you want, leave a comment here and take a picture like this with a link back to this post on your blog and we'll have ourselves a little looksee at everyone's kitchens.

It is a little scary to have people see exactly what's in your cart, but I'm not afraid of honesty. That is definitely a box of generic Oreos in my picture. Also two kinds of seaweed and the best eggs Whole Foods sells even though I hear even this brand still debeaks the poor chickens for $3.79/half dozen. Ugghhh!


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
We do two main weekly shops - one at the supermarket where we buy general groceries as well as fresh food and another at the market in our local town centre where we have a huge choice of fresh fruit and vegetables. I've also had a delivery from an online wholefood store this week - I get fresh,local, organic produce as well as more unusual foods that I can get locally such as breakfast cereals from spelt and a wide range of organic pulses.

Although I haven't got a picture of my weekly shop, I'll post a picture of one of the market stalls that I shop at and post my weekly shop picture later.

Culinary Wannabe said...

Looks pretty good to me - and only $75, I think that's impressive. I seriously had a dream the other night that I was in the grocery store and all of the apples cost $10! So weird - I guess the recession is getting to my subconscious! :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Hooray for Whole Foods!! :-)

Anonymous said...

do you have a CSA with eggs? i found that was helpful in trying to avoid the debeaking thing. i have a ton of leftovers in the freezer, so i'm not planning to shop for a while. but next month, i'll take pictures!

Bix said...

Ohhh, you like seaweed. I wish I could.

Angela and Melinda said...

Hi Michelle,
Which of those foods is for your cats? I only ask b/c cats are obligate carnivores who cannot live healthy or long lives without meat.
I'm vegetarian approaching vegan (for myself, husband, and dogs), but the cats are a different "can of worms."

Michelle said...

Melinda, good question, the cans of cat food are pretty obscured in the photo. No, I don't try to make the kitties into vegans...I just buy them food that at least has no by-products!

HangryPants said...

Love it! Look at all your greens!