No, not ME. My food processor. This raw food diet, JEEEEEZZ it's all blend this, process that, freeze this then blend together, process 'til smooth, and on and on. It's a workout for my mini-Cuisinart. When it starts to smell of burning I know it's time to give it a rest and switch over to the Magic Bullet for awhile.
The things I've been processing: frozen bananas, mung bean sprouts with almond butter, sprouted sesame seeds, macadamias, cashews and garlic, lemons with oil and apple cider vinegar, basil and oil, walnuts and dates...
It's pretty yummy. And I'm feeling great. After an initial few day of uncomfortable digestion issues, my stomach seems to have remembered how to digest raw food. And energy levels are way up. Usually my eyes start to droop around 10pm and I have 30 minutes to get myself to bed or else pretty much fall asleep wherever I am. But I've been holding out much later, and up early with no problem. That alone makes this diet worth it. Oh, and I've lost 5 lbs.
Today for lunch, Alissa Cohen's Apple Avocado Nori Wraps
It's just apple slices, Avocado slices, some lettuce and raw honey wrapped together with Nori sheets (not toasted). Taking it easy on the food processor for once!
5 pounds lost and more energy? Wow. I might give this a shot. My fiancee and I are getting married on July 19 and we're doing everything we can to be in shape for our wedding :)
"Usually my eyes start to droop around 10pm and I have 30 minutes to get myself to bed or else pretty much fall asleep wherever I am".
Me too! Me too! :)
Sounds interesting. I don't think that raw diet is in my future, but perhaps a cleaner diet would help too.
Those nori wraps sound good!
Um, you lost 5 pounds? Are you still visible?
I love that you have energy!! I'm going to Orlando next week. Probably a great week to try that raw diet, huh?
I'm probably the least healthy person who comments on your blog, but I'm trying. I'm at ism and not eating those snacks that come in those weird dispensers at least.
I recently started the raw diet as well, and purchased Alissa's book. I've lost about 5 pounds myself, more energy - check. I even got up early enough to work out before leaving my house! (Which NEVER happens, btw.) I'm trying it for 30 days!
A note about the nori wraps...eat them fresh. if they sit and the nori absorbs moisture it gets real, um, seaweed-like. Gummy. Y'know? Much better fresh with crisp, dry sheets of the stuff.
@Amy - yeah, 5 lbs. is ok but no more. my wedding dress just got altered and i'm not paying for that again. i might have to come pay you a visit at ISM because I, for one, cannot resist those dispensers. Free, glorious free office snacks! Aughhhhh
Michelle, when are you getting married? I'm getting married August 3rd.
My fiance just brought me home a raw food cookbook that he got for free from work--he is a newspaper editor. It was almost like a foreign language to me! I don't like most nuts and my fiance is allergic to most of them too! Plus most recipes call for a dehydrater but I don't have one! But that's wonderful that you are feeling great and have lost a few pounds!
@ marisa - August 2nd, what a coincidence! I don't have a dehydrator either but plenty of recipes don't require one. Nut allergies however...that's a different story. I've been eating a lot of nuts.
I admire people who can eat raw foods for days on end! I did it for one day and I was ready to go back to my cereal and soups by the next day. :)
Sounds like this is going well for you - lots of prep work. I know. Try a raw ice cream if you get the chance - amazing.
Michelle, re the food processor question: I would use a blender before the prcoessor as you want to get the mixture really emulsified.
was it just last year that i too was doing this?
i have about a dozen raw books, i bought every acoutremont imaginable - i have it all and then some...
i sprouted, dehydrated and food processed like a crazy person. the nori rolls were great. i did a nut pate with god knows what else. i still have the nori in my freezer, bought from alissa - expensive stuff!
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